Subash Shrestha

I'm Software Engineer

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About Me

Personal Details

Hello, I’m Subash Shrestha residing in this beautiful world. I am a Dedicated Software Engineer who loves to solve the problem and can think out of the box. I have a keen interest in development, problem-solving, and learning new techniques.

I am good with logical and mathematical skills with hands-on experience in popular programming languages and frameworks like Angular, Ruby, Node Js, Ionic, Android, and Python.

I aspire to become a Full Stack Developer with proficient and fast learning skills. I create websites and mobile apps with great UX and UI design. Meet me or Contact me for any queries.

  • Name:Subash Shrestha
  • Phone:9849424549
  • Email:[email protected]
  • Date of Birth: 15th February 1997
  • Address:Shrijananagar, Bhaktapur
  • Nationality:Nepali
  • Job:Software Engineer
  • Languages:English,Nepali












Software Engineer

  • Developed Web Applications using Angular Framework
  • Created APIs for Web Applications using Rails Framework Developed reusable and dynamic components and code optimization
  • Worked closely with Project Manager, Senior Developer, and QA under tight time constraints with dynamic requirements
  • Worked on UI testing using Protractor and API testing using Rspec
  • DOM manipulation for customizing components provided by the library like NG-ZORRO
  • Participated in Sprint Planning’s, Daily Scrum Meetings (Stand-up Meetings), Sprint Review Meetings and finally Retrospect Meetings
  • Assisting team members and guiding interns


Ionic Developer/Angular Developer

  • Worked on frameworks like Ionic, Angular, and Express
  • Responsible for modifying API in the express and adding new features and enhance functionality in User Interface using Angular
  • Collaborated with a highly experienced team to develop a high-quality mobile application
  • Worked on Firebase Cloud Messaging for Push Notification Service
  • Communicated new ideas, issues, and outcomes with team and supervisor
  • Direct Interaction with the client for modifying existing features and adding new features



I worked on my own projects and development based on Android and on mobile application developement.


Web development

Mobile Application Development

Programming/Problem Solving


Resume / CV
Astrorule Mobile Application

IT Glance

Resume / CV
Web Applicaiton For Dental Clinic

IT Glance

Resume / CV
Project Management Tool

Bajra Technologies

Resume / CV
Ecommerce Brand Protection Tools

Bajra Technologies

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